
Cheap Journey's Edge Traveling World Time Clock & Flashlight Online

Journey's Edge Traveling World Time Clock & Flashlight Features

  • Circular dial to adjust time to different cities in the world
  • LED display
  • 5 different language capabilities: English, Spanish, German, French and Italian
  • 3 Super white LED lights for bright illumination
  • Dimensions: 5.125 x 1.375 x 1.5 inches

Journey's Edge Traveling World Time Clock & Flashlight Overview

Now you can travel the world crossing multiple time zones and always know what time and day it is with this incredible 6 in 1 Journey's Edge Traveling World Time Clock & Flashlight!You'll know what the temperature is; have an alarm clock and flashlight and more available at your fingertips with this indispensable device.Features include: Circular dial to adjust time to different cities in the world Alarm clock Calendar with year, month, date and day LED display Rubber grips Temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius Countdown timer 5 different language capabilities: English, Spanish, German, French and Italian 3 Super white LED lights for bright illumination Dimensions: 5.125 x 1.375 x 1.5 inches Flashlight requires 2 AAA batteries (not included) Clock requires 3 AG13 Button Cell batteries (included)


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