
Best Buy Kids Essential Wilderness Hand Crank LED Flashlight Online

you looking for low price Kids Essential Wilderness Hand Crank LED Flashlight?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells Kids Essential Wilderness Hand Crank LED Flashlight and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

Now the prices down even more urgent look at all the other check prices before the end of time.

Kids Essential Wilderness Hand Crank LED Flashlight Overview

A flashlight built with kids in mind!

This Wind Up Flashlight is crank powered, which means your little ones will never be stuck in the dark again! This is a perfect flashlight for the kids!

With only one minute of cranking you can power this light for sixty minutes!

Yes, we tested this statement before posting here; it does work! That ultimately means no more spending money on expensive batteries!

Note: Items are shipped in bulk packaging but are brand new and unused.

Kids Essential Wilderness Hand Crank LED Flashlight Features

  • 1 minute of winding = 60 minutes of power! (WE TESTED IT!! IT WORKS)
  • 3 LED Super Bright Bulbs
  • 2 Functions: 1 LED on, 3 LED on
  • Great for camping, sleepovers or just playing in the dark!

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