
Best Cheap Life+Gear Flashlight Max WATERLIGHTMAX20 Waterproof Hand Crank LED Flashlight (Black) Web Store

Life+Gear Flashlight Max WATERLIGHTMAX20 Waterproof Hand Crank LED Flashlight (Black) Features

  • One super bright 22,000 MCD LED
  • Integrated Wrist strap
  • Floats... will not sink
  • Quad-powered*
  • Can run on (3) 'AAA' batteries*

Life+Gear Flashlight Max WATERLIGHTMAX20 Waterproof Hand Crank LED Flashlight (Black) Overview

Don't get stranded with dead batteries!This Life+Gear Hand Crank All-Weather Quad-Power Flashlight Max will give you peace of mind, wherever you go! This WATERLIGHTMAX20 flashlight can be powered in four different ways including crank power, an optional car charger, an optional wall charger adapter or three (3) AAA batteries.* To crank power simply wind the crank for approximately sixty seconds at a steady pace either clock or counter clockwise.This WATERLIGHTMAX20 flashlight features a rugged, durable design, which can be used in all types of weather conditions. It's ideal for housework, maintenance work, traveling, and water activities to name a few. In addition to that it also reduces battery expenses and is environmentally friendly too. Although we do not recommend that you drop it water, if you accidentally do, it'll float!The water light construction was achieved through unique precision engineering. The molded and fitted waterproof ABS body with PC mantle and soft TPR handle was designed for superior durability. Get ready to light dark areas up with the built-in super bright 22,000 MCD LED! You'll never have to worry about not having batteries or light again!Order your Life+Gear Hand Crank All-Weather Quad-Power Flashlight Max today!


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