
Save On Dynamo Illuminator Wind-Up Flashlight and Radio Store

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Dynamo Illuminator Wind-Up Flashlight and Radio Overview

The Illuminator is a wind-up AM/FM radio and a 3-LED flashlight in one. It never needs batteries, and the bulbs never need to be replaced. You can choose between one and three ultra-bright LEDs, which makes it an ideal light for the home, for work, in the car, or when you're out fishing. Handy wrist strap included. Weight: 7.4 oz. Size: 2.1" W x 5.75" L x 1.9" D.

Dynamo Illuminator Wind-Up Flashlight and Radio Specification

  • Never needs batteries
  • Unbreakable LED bulb never needs replacing
  • Variable brightness setting
  • Easy to wind and power the radio or flashlight

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