
you looking for cheap Kaito KA404 Emergency Hand Crank Dynamo 5-LED Flashlight with AM/FM radio?

Buy Kaito KA404 Emergency Hand Crank Dynamo 5-LED Flashlight with AM/FM radio Online Shop

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Kaito KA404 Emergency Hand Crank Dynamo 5-LED Flashlight with AM/FM radio Overview

The Kaito KA404 combines a sturdy 5-LED flashlight with an AM/FM radio, giving users a handy versatile camping accessory, job site companion, car gadget or in an emergency situation, such as a hurricane or an earthquake. Made of durable, high-impact plastic, the rugged device features 5 super bright LEDs, each of which is rated at 15,000 MCD, and it can last for 10 minutes if cranked for 1 minute. The flashlight is great for illuminating a campsite or dimly lit work area, campers will also enjoy the FM radio and its built-in speaker and telescoping FM antenna, which improves reception in out-of-the-way locations. The flashlight has an output jack for charging your mobile devices, such as cell phones, MP3 players, PDAs and etc. A USB cable is included for charging your gadgets with a USB connection.

Kaito KA404 Emergency Hand Crank Dynamo 5-LED Flashlight with AM/FM radio Features

  • Super-bright 5-LED flashlight, 1-LED/5-LED selectable
  • Charge by easy hand-cranking action, lasts 30 minutes cranked 1 minute
  • AM/FM radio with Siren
  • Hand crank rechargeable, no need for replaceing batteries or bulbs
  • USB cable included for charging cellphones with USB connections.

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