
you looking for low-priced Mark Feldstein & Associate ETO100C Hand Crank Flashlight?

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before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Mark Feldstein & Associate ETO100C Hand Crank Flashlight and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Mark Feldstein & Associate ETO100C Hand Crank Flashlight Overview

Never get caught in the dark again! The ETO100C Hand Crank flashlight requires no batteries. One minute of winding provides over one hour of light! Perfect for a drawer, glove box, emergency kit -- anywhere you need light.

Mark Feldstein & Associate ETO100C Hand Crank Flashlight Features

  • Includes AC power cord or operates on optional 8 size C batteries for use as a portable
  • Top-Loading CD player is compatible with most disc formats - CD, CD-R and CD-RW and MP3/WMA CDs
  • Digital AM/FM tuner with station presets allows you to set 6 favorite AM and FM stations
  • Convenient programmable CD memory and play
  • LCD display with text displays track title, album and artist if playing CDR or CDRW with recorded MP3 or WMA files

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