
you looking for cheap Illuminator Self Powered 4-in-1 FM Radio, Alarm, 3 White focused LED flashlight and Mobile phone charger Crank Powered?

Buy Illuminator Self Powered 4-in-1 FM Radio, Alarm, 3 White focused LED flashlight and Mobile phone charger Crank Powered Store

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Illuminator Self Powered 4-in-1 FM Radio, Alarm, 3 White focused LED flashlight and Mobile phone charger Crank Powered Overview

The self Powered Light/Radio/Cell Charger utilizes a crank which is folded against the back of the light for power. Turning the crank charges a set of small internal rechargeable cells which then provide power to the rest of the built-in systems. The lighting portion of this device consists of three 5mm LEDs behind focusing lenses. However, there is also an FM radio and a siren which can be powered by the batteries, and the unit can be used to charge a Nokia type cell phone with the included charger cable

Illuminator Self Powered 4-in-1 FM Radio, Alarm, 3 White focused LED flashlight and Mobile phone charger Crank Powered Features

  • Hand crank charges internal rechargeable batteries. Comes with cable to charge Nokia type phone
  • Controls: Button for loud emergency alarm siren, Slide switch to turn on one or three LEDs, FM radio scan button
  • Connections: 5V phone charger plug, and 1/8" earplug connection.
  • FM Scan type radio, will also pick up some TV audio, output in form of speaker or ear plug(not included)
  • The front of the light contains three 5mm LEDs behind a trio of focusing lenses, one for each LED.
  • Behind the lens system are the three LEDs, each in a silvered plastic reflector to help focus the light forward.

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