
Best Buy Surefire E1L Outdoorsman E1L-HA-WH 3V LED Flashlight with Batteries Online Shop

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Surefire E1L Outdoorsman E1L-HA-WH 3V LED Flashlight with Batteries Features

  • Surefire E1L Outdoorsman E1L-HA-WH 3V LED Flashlight Olive Drab
  • 3V Lithium Battery

Surefire E1L Outdoorsman E1L-HA-WH 3V LED Flashlight with Batteries Overview

Description of Surefire E1L Outdoorsman FlashlightUltra compact (finger length), dual-output mini LED flashlight with extended runtime. Its virtually indestructible, two-stage light-emitting diode (LED) light source produces a smooth, pre-focused beam that, at maximum output, is over twice as bright as that of a big two-D-cell flashlight. At its low setting it produces a useful three lumens of light and continues producing useful light levels for 40 hours on a single lithium battery. Small size (it?s lightweight enough to clip to hat brim for hands-free operation), dual output, extended runtime, and 10-year battery shelf life make the E1L perfect for camping, backpacking, travel, emergency/disaster preparedness kits, or as an everyday-carry for general use. Features:Dual-output LED light source has no filament to burn out or break, lasts for thousands of hours Rugged aerospace-grade aluminum body, Mil-Spec Type III hard anodized in olive drab O-ring sealed, weatherproof.

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