
Cheap NEW Generator / Rechargeable LED SPOT LIGHT Hand Crank Online Store

you looking for super-cheap NEW Generator / Rechargeable LED SPOT LIGHT Hand Crank?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells NEW Generator / Rechargeable LED SPOT LIGHT Hand Crank and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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NEW Generator / Rechargeable LED SPOT LIGHT Hand Crank Overview

BRAND NEW - High Power HAND CRANKED and Rechargeable Generator SPOT LIGHT / Flashlight!

Simply crank the handle and within 30 - 60 seconds the spotlight will be ready to produce bright light. There is a small light on the bottom of the handle that changes from RED to YELLOW to GREEN as the light charges up. Once it turns green, you are ready! Very fast to charge up.

The LED lights are magnified through the lense to produce a beam of light that can be seen for miles.

The trigger power switch includes a Locking feature so you dont have to hold down the trigger.
Included with this lamp is a car adaptor AND a wall power supply in case you dont feel like cranking the handle. The beauty of this light is the crank though and the ease of use.

Great for pizza deliveries, hunters, spotters, and more.

Very cool!

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