
Cheap Viatek Hybrid Mini Lanterns, Set of 3 On Sale

you looking for low price Viatek Hybrid Mini Lanterns, Set of 3?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells Viatek Hybrid Mini Lanterns, Set of 3 and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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Viatek Hybrid Mini Lanterns, Set of 3 Overview

Set of 3 Hybrid Mini Lantern with 4 super bright LEDs provide ample light to illuminate patio or porch. The compact, lightweight, water-resistant design is perfect for any outdoor area. Each lamp requires 4 'AA' batteries (batteries run for up to 72 hours of continuous use), after batteries die, unit has a built in crank/dynamo feature to charge the LEDs, so just crank and you will never be out of light.

Viatek Hybrid Mini Lanterns, Set of 3 Specification

  • Set of 3 hybrid mini lantern with 4 super bright LEDs
  • Provide ample light to illuminate patio or porch
  • Batteries last over 72 hours of continuous use
  • Compact, lightweight, water-resistant design

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