
Buy PowerPlus Shark (Black) (7"H x 3"W x 2.25"D) Store

you looking for inexpensive PowerPlus Shark (Black) (7"H x 3"W x 2.25"D)?

before decision to buy, I searches on online so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells PowerPlus Shark (Black) (7"H x 3"W x 2.25"D) and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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PowerPlus Shark (Black) (7"H x 3"W x 2.25"D) Specification

  • Color: Black
  • Size: 7"H x 3"W x 2.25"D
  • Rechargeable, comes with a DC charger and a dynamo generator
  • Includes a standard Nokia cable and 7 adapter tips, which cover 90% of all cell phones
  • Waterproof to 25'

PowerPlus Shark (Black) (7"H x 3"W x 2.25"D) Overview

With the rugged, reliable PowerPlus Shark, you can feel secure that you will have a working flashlight in the most extreme situations. This eco-friendly, rechargeable unit boasts a powerful 1W LED light and a dynamo generator, assuring you will have light even if you run out of battery charge. The piece comes with a DC charger and includes a standard Nokia cable and 7 adapter tips for charging most kinds of cell phones - about 90% of current market! This heavy duty flashlight is waterproof to an impressive depth of 25 feet. Made of plastic.  Assembly level/degree of difficulty: No Assembly Required.

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