
Best Buy Hand Crank Self-Powered 3 LED Flashlight with Lanyard, No Batteries Required (Silver) Online

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Hand Crank Self-Powered 3 LED Flashlight with Lanyard, No Batteries Required (Silver) Specification

  • Hand Crank Self-Powered 3 LED Flashlight
  • Lanyard
  • No Batteries Required
  • (Silver)

Hand Crank Self-Powered 3 LED Flashlight with Lanyard, No Batteries Required (Silver) Overview

The hand crank Self-Powered 3 LED flashlight has three super bright LED, which can be turned on in any condition, depending on how much light you need. You'll enjoy 25 minutes of bright light from only one minute cranking the handle. The compact design makes this unit convenient for carrying in your bag, box, car, or even pocket. Great for camping, mountaineering or fishing expeditions.
Three super bright led
Environmental protection: Never needs batteries or bulbs.
Convenient: One minute cranking gives you 25 minutes light
Ready anytime, anywhereComes with lanyard
Switch is in the side
Dimension: 2.9" * 1.65" * 0.82"(L*W*H)
Great for camping, mountaineering or fishing expeditions

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