
Cheap Energizer Weatheready 5LED Rechargeable Crank Light with Radio Store

you looking for cheap Energizer Weatheready 5LED Rechargeable Crank Light with Radio?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells Energizer Weatheready 5LED Rechargeable Crank Light with Radio and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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Energizer Weatheready 5LED Rechargeable Crank Light with Radio Overview

Compact and multi-functional, this is an ideal choice for emergency situations or extended power outages. It includes a AM/FM radio with a headphone jack, a powerful 120 decibel siren and 4 bright Nichia LEDs to light your way. Just one minute of winding provides 10 minutes of light. Additional features include a handy wrist lanyard and a red LED that will help to preserve night vision.

Energizer Weatheready 5LED Rechargeable Crank Light with Radio Specification

  • Bright four white Nichia LEDs provide ample light
  • Handy; includes wrist lanyard
  • AM/FM Radio Keeps you informed when the power is out
  • 120 decibel siren
  • One minute of cranking provides 10 minutes of runtime

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