
Best Buy Goal Zero 23 Led Flashlight W/ Solar & Hand Crank Led Technology Floodlight & Flashlight Options Online Shop

you looking for low price Goal Zero 23 Led Flashlight W/ Solar & Hand Crank Led Technology Floodlight & Flashlight Options?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells Goal Zero 23 Led Flashlight W/ Solar & Hand Crank Led Technology Floodlight & Flashlight Options and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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Goal Zero 23 Led Flashlight W/ Solar & Hand Crank Led Technology Floodlight & Flashlight Options Specification

  • Goal Zero 23 LED Flashlight with Solar & hand Crank.
  • Powerful LED Flashlight.
  • Recharge from 12V, dynamo crank, solar, or wall plug.
  • Features LED technology in both floodlight and flashlight options.
  • Charge using the flip out solar panel.

Goal Zero 23 Led Flashlight W/ Solar & Hand Crank Led Technology Floodlight & Flashlight Options Overview

Be prepared for any emergency with the option to use the hand crank generator to power the rechargeable batteries. Convenient hook means you can be hands-free. What inchs in the Box: 1 x Solar Crank Flashlight, 12V Male Cigarette Adapter.

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