
Discount Eton ARCBB200W_SNG American Red Cross Blackout Buddy Emergency LED Blackout Flashlight and Nightlight, White Shop

Eton ARCBB200W_SNG American Red Cross Blackout Buddy Emergency LED Blackout Flashlight and Nightlight, White Features

  • Bright emergency 3LED light lights up when there is a power failure or blackout; can be used as a flashlight
  • One LED night light; fold-up prongs plug directly into electrical socket for constant charge
  • Dimensions: 3.9375-Inch x 2-Inch x .75-Inch (W x H x D)
  • 100 x 50.8 x 19.05 mm (W x H x D)
  • Weight: 2 oz. (56 g)

Eton ARCBB200W_SNG American Red Cross Blackout Buddy Emergency LED Blackout Flashlight and Nightlight, White Overview

Emergency LED Blackout Flashlight Plugs directly into wall socket for constant charging. Also acts as night light using One LED; Bright Emergency 3-LED light- lights up when there is a power failure of Blackout Can be used as a flashlight one LED night light fold-up prongs plug directly into electrical socket for constant charge


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